Modifications in the magnetocaloric effect owing to composition changes in Gd2In1−xGex (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2) system of compounds


In this paper, we report the variations observed in magnetothermal, magnetocaloric, and magnetic properties of the Gd2In1−xGex (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.2) system of compounds concerning the changes in substitution of Ge. Changes have been recorded in a temperature sweeping range of 2-300 K while the magnetic field was increased from 0 to a maximum of 5 T. All the compositions set into the Ni2In-type hexagonal structure and no structural changes are observed with the change in the value of x. Though the transition temperature values, which are TC ≈ 191 K and TN ≈ 100 K in case of x = 0, have only subtle shifts with the Ge substitution yet promising changes have been observed in the magnetocaloric effect. At x = 0.2 the isothermal magnetic entropy variation peak touches the value of 2.5 J/kg − K around TN in a field change from 0 to 5 T. This showcases that the compounds reported have a worthy place within the bracket of magnetocaloric compounds.

In AIP Advances
Dr. Sanjay Sharma
Dr. Sanjay Sharma
Research Associate

My research interests include Heusler alloys and topological materials for their magnetic properties and applications in spintronics. I have an experimental as well as DFT based theoretical approaches to study these magnetic materials.