A comparative study on magnetocaloric effect in NdRu2Si2 and NdRu2Ge2


Temperature dependent magnetization, MH isotherm and MCE properties of NdRu2Ge2 and NdRu2Si2 have been studied to make a comparison between these two compounds. Both of these take two magnetic transitions, one at T_N and another at T_t. T_t of both is same, ie 10 K but T_N of NdRu2Ge2 is 19 K while that of NdRu2Si2 is 23.5 K. They both show interesting MH isotherms. The values of entropy change (ΔSM) for NdRu2Ge2 and NdRu2Si2 are 3.2 J kg− 1 K− 1 and 4 J kg− 1 K− 1, at a field of 50 kOe wide temperature range. The value of ΔSM of NdRu2Ge2 is smaller than that of NdRu2Si2 as the field dependent magnetization isotherm does not lead to saturation at 50 kOe in NdRu2Ge2 but it is approaching to saturation in case of NdRu2Si2.

In Materials Today Proceedings
Dr. Sanjay Sharma
Dr. Sanjay Sharma
Research Associate

My research interests include Heusler alloys and topological materials for their magnetic properties and applications in spintronics. I have an experimental as well as DFT based theoretical approaches to study these magnetic materials.